Friday, January 11, 2008

Bye Bye Horny Bulls!

That's right! These bulls are horny. They've got da moolah. They can paint the town, or at at least the streets red in a couple of seconds. And like all the other good things in life - they're banned.

The Supreme Court of India today passed a to ban the Jallikattu bull festival that is held in and around the temple town of Madurai. The one at the town of Alanganallur is particularly famous.

The sport (don't roll your eyes) precedes the Pongal festival, called Mattu-Pongal. The bull's horns are painted, decorated with garlands and mango leaves are hung around their neck. Then bundles of cash are hung around their horns. That's the bait!

Now all this done, the bulls are released into a crowd of men who (surprise, surprise) don't run away from the bull, they run towards it. Aaaaand, the bulls couldn't care less that that there was money on their horns, or that there was an ocean of human bodies trying to tame then. They just run from Point A to Point B without so much as a care in the world. Anyone who comes in their way, gets tossed straight from the bull-fighting ground to the hospital ward.

The belief is that the men get to show their brave, valiant and macho (to the nurses). Also, this festival is a must for a good harvest. Pongal is the season of harvest and this sport ensures that all's well. The Supreme Court must have decided that this was too much to take. Since they couldn't do anything about the mass-murders, assassinations, bombings and violence happening all over the country, so they decided to stop a tradition that people cherished and they didn't understand.

Do I think it will stop? Has smoking in public places stopped?

Check out this video. It's more like a Psycho meets Matador video. It's pretty graphic, so ... grab some popcorn.


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Fuzzy, the Ducky said...

Thanks Crescenet!Glad you liked it. I went your page as well. But I couldn't figure out anything about it, as it wansn't in English.